Quick write- Reading/writing
Lives 76 lilypad street
October the 30th
Something weird happened last night, I was just eating popcorn while scrolling down netflix to find a movie on my laptop I stopped to look at a row of movies the first one was The Conjuring. My laptop started to smoke then it had this loud piercing sound like it was screaming, the screen went black then it started to flash blue and black. I closed it and it grew quiet, my heart was beating, what just happened to my laptop? I calmed myself down and I soon thought nothing of it. I drifted off to sleep. Loud talking woke me, I was confused because I sleep in a caravan and I just live with my mum. This could only means 2 things Mum is talking to herself outside of my caravan again or I am asleep on the couch and mum is on the phone, but I remember falling asleep in my caravan right after my laptop went weird. The 2 voices I heard were 2 different people a man and a women. The woman had a smooth, soft voice nothing like my mother. The man had a deep, rough voice nothing like any man that has been over before. I rubbed my eyes, and got up to walk outside to see what was going when I realized that I was not in my caravan or in my house I have never seen this room in my life. Wait could it be? No that is impossible, is it? It would make sense, I mean the talking, the room, and my laptop ofcourse, my laptop it did something weird and must of pulled me in one of the movies I saw in the row of movies I stopped at. I really hope it isn’t The Conjuring. No I am going insane, this is impossible. I rubbed my eyes again but nothing happened, I pinched myself to see if it was in a dream but again nothing happened. I walked out of the room to go to the toilet but I got lost on the way because I didn’t know the house. It was pitch black and I tripped over something but nothing was in my path, I just thought that I tripped over my own feet. I heard laughs, creaks, dogs barking, and crying. I ran out the door and fell into hole, no not a hole a grave. The house was right next to a graveyard. It was around 12.30am and the tombstones started cracking and dirt was being flung on me. Im going to chuck this journal out of the grave and hopefully someone finds this and knows what happened to me the night before halloween. (This is the person who found her journal) That is what I found my new address 76 lilypad street on the night my laptop went weird on the night before halloween.
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