Weekend Journal
On Friday Rose-elle and Shohn went to Easter Camp for the whole weekend. Elizabeths friend came over for 1 night then they went to her house, so it was just Dad, Thomas, and I at home. Dad took us to get Easter eggs on Saturday and that night we watched a movie. On Sunday Thomas and I built mini houses in the gardens so we both had separate gardens and we could use 1 thing from inside and the rest we had to use things from outside. We got Dad to judge us. The thing I used from inside was a bowl and Thomas used a pot. We used them for pools. Dad said that we both won because we both had very different things. On Monday Dad had work Elizabeth came home. Tyson got dropped off at our house for the day. Later that day Mum came home with Shohn and Rose-elle and Tyson went home. On Tuesday we went to town. We went to Holly's house for a bit and had lunch with her, Sapphire got a Easter egg pack with hair chalk so she asked me to colour her hair. We went home and just relaxed.
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