Monday, October 30, 2017

Weekend journal

Weekend journal
On Friday after school Mum took Thomas, Elizabeth, and I to go stay at Holly's house to look after Tyson, and Sapphire. We had to look after Kirsten's children Lucas and Marie so we had to look after 4 people under the age of 5. On Saturday Eden came out to Holly's house to walk around town going into the shops selling raffle tickets for Lake Brunner Sea scouts. I sold 25 tickets and Eden sold 19. Eden stayed the night at Holly's so the house was packed. Socks Holly's cat had 4 kittens and we named  the all.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Weekend journal

My weekend!!
On Saturday I went to Holly's house for the night so Dad dropped me off. Tyson my nephew has to go to the hospital for his medication 3 times a day he has to go at 8.00am, 4.00pm & midnight. When I got there we had to go up to the hospital for the 4.00pm one. I also went for the midnight one. On Sunday Holly & Tyson came to ours for the night Sapphire and Matt stayed at there house. Tyson was so happy all day he was laughing lot and when me & Mum went to take him into the hospital at  4pm I had to distract him so he wouldn't wriggle so I went outside and he kept laughing when I ran  inside.